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Sunday, January 19, 2020

12:55 PM

Women Education in India

      Women Education in India


            Women education is very important for the proper social and economic growth of the country. Both men and ladies are like two sides of the coin and run equally like two wheels of the society. So both are are important element of the expansion and development within the country thus require civil right within the education. If anyone of both goes downside, social progress isn't possible.

Advantages of Women Education in India:

            The female education in India is very necessary for the longer term of the country as women are the primary teachers of their children means way forward for the state . If education of the ladies is getting ignored, it might be the unaware of bright way forward for the state . An uneducated women cannot actively participate in handling the family, proper care of the youngsters and thus weak future generation. We cannot count all the benefits of the ladies education. An educated women may easily handle her family, make each loved one responsible, infuse good qualities in children, participate within the social works and every one would lead her towards the socially and economically healthy nation.

            By educating a person , only a person are often educated however educating a lady , whole country are often educated. Lack of girls education weakens the powerful a part of the society. So, women should have full rights for the education and will not be treated as inferior to men.


 India is now a number one country within the field of girls education. History of India isn't blank of brave women however it's filled with women philosophers like Gargi, Viswabara, Maritreyi (of Vedic age) and other famous women are like Mirabai, Durgabati, Ahalyabi, Laxmibai, etc. All the famous historical women in India are inspiration for the ladies of this age. We always remember their contributions to the society and country.

11:39 AM

Save Trees

                         SAVE TREE


 Trees are most precious and important source of life on the world . They are very critical to the healthy and vibrant communities on the world . They benefit all the living things on the world in some direct and indirect ways. Everything on the world hook up with one another and running consistent with the nature’s balance, if any disturbance occur thereto whole environment may disturb and harm the lives on earth. Plants protect us from many natural disasters and nourish our lives in some ways . They keep our surroundings clean and earth green so, we also are responsible to them and check out our greatest to guard trees. Large and mature trees are more benefiting in nature than smaller ones as they capture more carbon, filter green house gases at high rate, capture more storm water, provide big shadow and combat urban heat, reduce energy use and lots of more, so we should always not cut them even in emergency.

Trees are most valuable and important source of life on the earth. They are very critical to the healthy and vibrant communities on the earth. They benefit all the living things on the world in some direct and indirect ways. Everything on the world hook up with one another and running consistent with the nature’s balance, if any disturbance occur thereto whole environment may disturb and harm the lives on earth. Plants protect us from many natural disasters and nourish our lives in some ways . They keep our surroundings clean and earth green so, we also are responsible to them and check out our greatest to guard trees. Large and mature trees are more benefiting in nature than smaller ones as they capture more carbon, filter green house gases at high rate, capture more storm water, provide big shadow and combat urban heat, reduce energy use and lots of more, so we should always not cut them even in emergency.

Benefits of Trees

 Here I even have mentioned some real benefits of the trees which assist you to know that why trees shouldn't be cut however got to be planted time to time.

Mature trees help us to combat the global climate change s by refreshing air and absorbing green house gases as they're the most source of climate change.

Trees helps in air cleaning by refreshing the air as they absorb all the odors and pollutant gases within the environment.

An acre of mature trees may provide required oxygen to 18 people per annum .

Trees help in combating summer heat also as low winter temperature.

Trees are best energy conservation and heating management technique as they reduce the necessity of summer air con by up to 50 percent.

Trees help in combating summer heat also as low winter temperature.

Trees are best energy conservation and global warming management technique as they reduce the need of summer air conditioning by up to 50 percent.

They save water by slowing down the water evaporation from ground through their shadow.

Trees are natural filter and play great role in preventing pollution by allowing water to flow right down to the world below tree thus prevent rainwater to hold pollutants to the ocean.

Trees prevent erosion by holding great deal of soil to at least one place.

Trees provide us a robust shield to urge shielded from the ultra-violet rays and thus from the carcinoma and other skin disorders.

Trees are good source of foods (like fruits, vegetables, etc), shelter, medicines, economy, etc.

Trees have good healing property among patients having any health related complications like children with ADHD if they have direct exposure to the trees and nature.

Trees are good source of identifying seasons, they reduces violence, and make economic opportunities to people.

Trees are best teacher who never talk but shows everything. They are also best playmate of the kids.


 By seeing all the advantages of trees mentioned above, we will completely understand the worth of trees in our lives. Thus we should always not cut trees, we always oppose the cutting of trees and forests, we should always promote more tree plantation within the human crowded area, and motivate common people to save trees.

11:36 AM

Global warming

                  GLOBAL WARMING

            Global warming is that the big environmental issue we face today as a greatest challenge which we'd like to urge it solved permanently. In fact, heating is that the continuous and steady process of accelerating within the temperature of earth surface. It must be discussed widely by all countries worldwide to prevent the consequences of it. It has impacted the nature’s balance, biodiversity and climatic conditions of the earth over decades.

                Green house gases like CO2, methane are the most reasons of accelerating the worldwide warming on the world which directly impacts the rising sea levels, melting ice caps, glaciers, unexpected changing climate which represents life threats on the world . According to the statistic, it's been estimated that earth temperature has increased to an excellent level since mid 20th century thanks to the increased atmospheric greenhouse emission concentrations globally due to the increased demand of the human living standard.

                It has been measured that year like 1983, 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1991 because the warmest six years of the past century. This increasing heating calls the unexpected disasters on the world like flood, cyclones, tsunami, drought, landslides, ice melting, lack of food, epidemic diseases, death etc thus causing imbalance to the nature’s phenomenon and indicating end of life existence on this planet.

                Increasing heating cause the more water evaporation from earth into the atmosphere, which successively become a greenhouse emission and again causes rise within the heating . Other processes like burning of fossil fuels, use of fertilizers, rise in other gases like CFCs, tropospheric ozone and laughing gas also are the explanations of worldwide warming. The ultimate causes of such reasons are the technological advancement, population explosion, increasing demand of commercial expansion, deforestation, priority towards urbanization, etc.

               We are disturbing the natural processes through the deforestation and use of technological advancement like global carbon cycle, making hole in ozonosphere , etc and allowing the UV rays to come on earth thus increasing global warming. Plants are the last word source of removing extra CO2 from the air and making it in balance thus by just stopping the deforestation and enhancing people for more plantation we will get success of reducing the worldwide warming to an excellent level. Controlling the increase is additionally an excellent hand towards reducing the planet wide warming during the world because it lessens the utilization of destructive technologies on the world .

9:59 AM

What is Indian Army?

         ***Indian Army***       

                 India has one among the best armies within the world. Our soldiers have proved their mettle altogether theatres of wars since prehistoric times, hi recent times our soldiers were sent to the Congo, Suez, Indo-China and Korea on missions of peace.

              During the last two World Wars our soldiers fought in Europe, Africa and therefore the Middle East and won laurels for British Empire. Our soldiers served in France and other countries also.

              They helped to bring Hitler and his armies to their knees. Wherever they were sent, victory was theirs. It goes to the credit of the Indian Anny that the primary Victoria Cross visited the credit of an Indian soldier.

              Our soldiers have never surrendered. Their motto has always been "do or die". In the India-China war of October-November 1962 and later within the Indo-Pak war of September, 1965 one Indian soldier killed repeatedly his enemy counterparts on various fronts.

              If India retreated within the India-China war it had been not for want of courage except for want of adequate weapons which the Chinese had and that we didn't . hi fact our soldiers weren't even adequately clothed. As an American paper said, our soldiers were fighting on icy tops of the mountains in summer uniforms.

             If we had fought for British so heroically, we could certainly fight for defending our freedom. But we've to coach our army for the aim . We aren't only in need of weapons but also in need of trained officers to steer the armies. We will need to fill all the gaps as rapidly as possible. It is a hazardous task to offer rapid promotion to junior officers but we are sure they're going to justify the arrogance of the state placed in them.

               The Indian Army has three wings-land forces, navy and air force. The Chiefs of the three forces are directly under the President of India, who is that the Supreme Commander of our soldiers .

               The three wings of the Indian Army got to be strengthened. It is a pity that a number of the leaders of our country did not foresee the Chinese threat and bogged down defense production. The India-China war has served a useful purpose. With the help of friendly nations we'll soon structure the loss. Let every Indian soldier remember the inspiring message of 1 of the ablest leaders of India, Sardar Patel:-

             "The deeds of gallantry you performed within the two Great wars adorn the pages of world history. Even the enemy recognised your merit in war. You proved yourself first-class soldiers, inferior to none within the world. But then you fought for others. Now you've got to fight for your own country, the one that you love India.

            "You should prepare yourself for the responsibility which can still increase. We have won the freedom. It is for you to guard it. You have to form an all-round effort to take care of and consolidate it. Let the discharge of your duties be your privilege. You will enhance the reputation of your country and therefore the country are going to be pleased with you."


3:08 AM



                Grandparents are known as the root of the family. They are experienced and knowledgeable and share their valuable life lessons to assist the newer generations learn and grow. They serve their children and grandchildren selflessly and help them become better citizenry .

Joint Family System: A Boon for the Kids

Here are a few factors that support this ideology:


           In a joint family system when a child stays with grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, he learns how to bond with different kinds of people. Such kids seldom have difficulty bonding with people when they step out as compared to those who just see their parents or domestic help for most part of the day.

Valuable Lessons for Life:

            When the kids are in their growing stage and need to be taught valuable lessons to help them understand life better, parents are often busy with their career and hardly get to spend quality time with them and teach them the nitty-gritties of life. Grandparents are far more experienced and often get to spend much more time with the kids in a joint family system. Children living in a joint family thus learn good moral values and other valuable lessons for life.

Broadens their Horizons:

              Children often tend to imitate us. When they stay in a nuclear family they often adapt the habits of mother or father and start behaving in a certain manner. However, staying in a joint family broadens their perspective. They come in contact with different people and learn how a single task can be done in different ways and choose the way they like the best rather than blindly imitating one.

Sharing and Caring:

              Though the kid gets to enjoy the corporate of various relations living during a joint family system, he's not the only point of focus. He understands that every big and small thing brought is not wholly and solely for him and is to be shared among the members. It thus helps develop the habit of sharing and makes him more sensitive towards the needs of others.

More Fun:

              All the special occasions such as birthdays and festivals become all the more special when you celebrate it together.

Support System:

               Grandparents act as a great support system for the family. You can count on them anytime. As they get older , they also require attention and care and joint family fulfils their requirement too.


             The joint family system is said to be the best for the growth and development of the children. Though the concept is slowly fading away, some people still prefer it over the more popular nuclear family system for the aforementioned reasons.