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Monday, January 20, 2020

5:32 PM

PM Modi Schemes

        *** PM Modi Schemes ***

                   It was in the year 2014 when Mr. Narendra Modi was elected as the Prime Minister of the country. It has been two years now and there are a no. of schemes launched under his name. The most talked about were the Make in India Mission and Smart City. Make in India Mission invites companies, not only Indian, but everywhere the planet to 'produce' in India. With time India has emerged as service provider. In order to compete with the planet economy we'd like to develop our manufacture sector also. This would lessen India's reliance on other manufacturing countries, especially within the field of defense. In Smart City Scheme, PM declared to rework a minimum of ten cities, within the first phase, into smart cities. These cities will have the best facilities of education, health, safety, law and order, sanitation and others. The scheme is vast and time consuming. Smart cities are not formed in a single day by the administration alone. It requires full-fledged co-operation from the citizens. Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is analogous the Smart City. The difference is that every Member of Parliament is asked to adopt a village and develop it as a perfect village for the society. Ideal village includes schools for all children, proper water and electricity supplies, smoke free kitchen, etc. These two schemes require not only good management social awareness and mass contribution too.

Another scheme that has a similar demand is the Swachh Bharat Mission announced by PM Modi on the Independence Day. The Mission calls the citizens of India to keep the country clean. Just like ice bucket challenge, he nominated people from different field to wash roads and spread the message. He himself cleaned the streets on the day of inauguration. Scheme also includes building toilets in each household for the convenience of the people, especially women. The scheme has been successful in arousing consciousness among the people and can little question achieve success till the year 2022. School nursery scheme focuses on developing a bond among students and nature to get a sustainable and healthy environment. It aims at including tree planting and nurturing in the school curriculum. This is an innovative idea of bringing young generation almost nature and making them sensitive towards the present environmental conditions. Schools have welcomed this scheme enthusiastically and saplings have already been distributed to around hundred schools. The scheme is sweet but it requires more push to realize popularity and proper implementation into the curriculum.

The advancements, taken place in recent years, are only constrained to the urban areas. Illiteracy and poverty are still deep rooted in rural areas. To ensure subsidy benefits to the poor, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana was launched. This enabled the people all over the country to open bank account with balance as low as a rupee. With high participation of public sector banks millions of accounts were opened with some having a minimum balance of about fifteen hundred rupees. The scheme got success within a brief period of your time . Opening bank accounts will facilitate loans, ensure savings with interest and also will enable poor families to take advantage of other insurance and subsidy schemes started by the government without facing corruption.

Pradahan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Beema Yojana provides life insurance and insurance for loss from accidents at a premium of about rupees 330 per annum and rupees 12 per annum respectively. They provide a cover of maximum 2lakh rupees individually. Non- government workers, especially women, at adulthood are neither ready to earn a living nor have much saving to steer a cushty adulthood . To help such people Atal Pension Yojana was launched. This would provide a minimum pension to all the needy senior citizens. These schemes prove a great relief for the unorganized sector. Laborers, drivers, private security guards and bodyguards are the people who are always at high risk of accidents and could seldom afford such facilities.

                   To encourage and protect girl child, Sukanya Smaridhi Yojana opens a bank account for girls below ten years and saves money for her. This money could be used for her marriage or higher studies after she attains an age of 21 years.

Digital India, though performing at slow pace, promises digitalization of state offices for transparency and efficient work operation. Digi Locker supports Digital India scheme. Digi Locker helps an individual to store his personal documents during a digital space provided by the govt . This will help users during online application of forms and other services.

There are many more schemes launched or to be launched and they cover people from all the segments of the society. Such schemes raise the standard of living of the people and helps in building a strong economy hence, a strong nation.


Thank You 

2:38 PM

What is Internet ?



               Internet may be a global network which connects many computers everywhere the planet . It has become very simple and straightforward in accomplishing all day to day activities which were very time taking and hard to manage in those days. We cannot think our life without this great invention called internet. As everything has its pros and cons means both positive and negative effects, internet also has affected the human lives in both ways. Because of the web , online communication has become very easy and straightforward . The mode of communication in those days were through letters which was very time taking and hard together had to travel an extended distance. But now, we just got to connect our internet to open some social networking websites and opening Gmail or other accounts (Yahoo, etc) to send messages within seconds.

It has reduced the usage of paper and paper works to an excellent extent by making everything computerized within the offices (governmental or non-governmental), schools, colleges, educational institutions, training centres, NGOs, universities, shops, business, industries, railway, metro and lots of more. Using this internet we will get all the news time to time from all across the planet from one place. It is very effective and efficient in gathering huge information whether required for references or activities on any topic within seconds. It has benefited the education, travel and business sectors to an excellent level. It has made quick access to the web public libraries, textbooks or other resources to seek out relevant topics.

In the earlier time when people were without internet, that they had to waste many time for any sort of work like standing within the long queues and expecting their number to get travel ticket. But within the modern time of internet, one can book train online in only few clicks and obtain travel ticket through printout or get a soft copy in his/her mobile. In the internet world, one doesn't got to travel an extended distance for his/her meeting for business or other purposes. One can attend his/her meeting online from own office through the utilization of video calling, conferencing, Skype or using other tools. It helps in getting admission online in his/her desired school, college or universities, hiring highly skilled employees and teachers, business transactions, banking transactions, applying for driver's license , money transfer, learning cooking recipes, bill payment, purchasing anything on free delivery then many activities.

                   Thank You 

11:48 AM




Agriculture is a vast subject. It encompasses the production of crops, animal husbandry, soil science, horticulture, dairy science, extension education, entomology, agriculture chemistry, agri engineering, agri economics, plant pathology and botany. These subjects are taught in various universities across the world to train people in the field.

Different Kinds of Farming

Here may be a check out how the agricultural field has broadly been categorized in our country:

1. Subsistence Farming

One of the most widely practiced technique of farming in India. Under this sort of farming, the farmers grow grains for themselves also as for the aim of sale.

2. Commercial Agriculture

This type of agriculture focuses on high yield with the aim to export it to other countries to get profit. Some of the commonly grown commercial crops within the country include cotton, wheat and sugarcane.

3. Shifting Agriculture

This type of farming is majorly practiced by tribal groups to grow root crops. They mostly clear the forested area and grow crops there.

4. Extensive Agriculture

This is more common in the developed countries. However, it is also practiced in certain parts of India. It focuses on the utilization of machinery to grow and lift crops.

5. Intensive Agriculture

This is a common practice in densely populated areas of the country. It is focused on generating maximizing output of the land by employing different techniques. A good amount of investment in terms of money and huge labour force is required for this.

6. Plantation Agriculture

This type of agriculture involves the cultivation of crops that need an honest amount of your time and space for growing. Some of these crops include tea, rubber, coffee, cocoa, coconut, fruits and spices. This is mostly practiced in the states of Assam, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Kerala.

7. Wet Land Farming

The areas that receive heavy rainfall are well irrigated and these are apt for the farming of crops like jute, rice and sugarcane.

8. Dry Land Farming

It is practiced in desert-like areas such as the central and northwest India. Some of the crops grown in such areas are bajra, jowar and gram. This is because these crops require less water for growth.


With the advancement in technology, agriculture has come an extended way. It is not limited to just growing crops and rearing of cattle. It includes an entire lot of other subjects and someone who is curious about stepping into the agricultural field can prefer to specialize in one.

9:21 AM

Global Warming Solutions

        Global Warming Solutions

             Reducing the level of heat-trapping green house gas emissions in the atmosphere is the big step towards reducing the global warming. Use of energy-efficient products by properly understanding that which practice generates more carbon. We should make our choices climate-friendly which help us to save lots of money and energy. Following all the measures set to tackle heating very strictly may help us to urge control over it. Making our homes air tight may help us in reducing our need of cooling in summer or heating in winter which ultimately reduce heat generation and absorption by the atmosphere thus control global warming.

        We should generally avoid eating things which take longer and warmth to cook like chicken, eat, and beef. Other individual means to contribute in the reduction of global warming is the use public transport instead of personal transport or carpooling method is also good. Use of programmable thermostat is also nice option to reduce heating and cooling emissions by 15% percent. Everyone should use power strips whether reception or office or home entertainment centres. Upgrading of the refrigerators and air conditioners is also necessary after every five or six years. Use of an electricity monitor within the home or office is additionally best method to trace and reduce electricity use.

 Changing light bulbs taking more energy than the bulbs taking less energy is sweet for reducing heating . Other options are washing clothes using normal tap water instead of hot water. The habit of reusing and recycling things is very good option to combat with pollution and global warming. Policy maker should make new, effective and strict policies towards heating in order that everyone can follow strictly. Another effective method is the use of word of mouth technique to create awareness among common public about solutions of global warming.

8:40 AM

Describe your ideas about the question

Describe your ideas about the question on whether students should participate in politics or not


  Should students participate in politics or not may be a question of quite modern origin. Till the start of this century nobody would have thought of this question. That was a time when students simply obeyed their parents and masters. Parents never even discussed matter as important because the marriage of their son or daughter. Teachers were absolute monarchs of their classroom. Children remained in awe and fear of teachers. Politics was quite young and it had been the privilege of the few within the higher rungs of society. The man within the street was never within the picture and his voice was never head in the least .

 The beginning of the century saw the spirit of nationalism rising up in many colonial countries against the ruler. The leaders of such movements called on the youth of the land to hitch them. They knew that it might be futile to deal with their energy to the center age bracket . Their appeal for action went straight to the hearts of the kids . They were a touch rash and reckless for that they had not much to lose but the guarantees for his or her gain were there. They left off their studies, deserted their classes only to hitch the front rank of politicians who were trying to form their voices felt. The youth had the energy and will observe noise. Mass movements required them. Thus there was a revolution in politics when the youths began to form their presence felt. Many a leader of the 40s and fifties belong to the present category.

 So we see with the advancing of the century the part played by the youth in politics intensified. Politics in many countries became a mass movement and youth leaders were in great demand, because they might muster strength easily. Once the part played by the youth became significant, the youth began to say . They wanted their share within the government of the country and their voices to be heard.

 That is where we stand today. Forceful leaders who knew the facility of youth in politics began to voice their concern and began telling that students may study politics, the manifesto of varied parties but not to indulge in active politics. But that was never to be. Once the youth has been roused it's very difficult to regulate them and unfortunately many elections are fought with the assistance of the youth. So in theory , allow us to concede there's nothing wrong within the youth participating in politics.

 But if the last word goal of the politician is to enter the legislature of the land and participate in shaping her destinies then the youth must wait within the 'Q'. Their youthful enthusiasm and emotional outbursts are not quite the thing that the government of the country needs. It required maturity, wisdom and forbearance. Politics is not mountain climbing. Hard training may make one a good mountaineer. To be an official one must be groomed from a young age, be intelligent, wise, mature in outlook and have vision and foresight. He must be dedicated towards a mission and therefore the people. Despite all their enthusiasm, the youth isn't qualified on this score. His very youth is a disqualification. They cannot be said to have emotional maturity. So just like the young seed that waits to become ripe, the scholars must wait.

 A word of caution to the professional politicians here may not be inappropriate. Let them watch out for what dangerous powers they're twiddling with . The very mass strength of the youth might destroy the citadel of politics like Samson chained . It may be cheaper now but surely it is going to be costlier in the long run. Let the youth of the land gather knowledge, devour the intelligence and get older in wisdom in order that they'll be fit shoulder the responsibility. So one should check out this problem from a historical perspective. In all humility one may conclude that the scholar should never participate in active politics.

12:29 AM

First impressions

    Can we trust fiist mpressions?


            In our lifestyle , we'll always hear a wealth of such cases as a man who has fallen into love with a woman at the primary sight, one of your friends who impresses your mother deeply on his first visit to your house then is treated exceptionally well by your hard-to-be-pleased mother, and even the applicant who attracts to the human resources manager immediately during the primary interview is definitely employed, to call just a couple of . All of the above-mentioned cases tell us that a lot of people within the world trust the primary impressions of an individual , his character, his conduct and his eloquence, etc., all of which he displays at their first meet. But is all that he displays, or all that you simply understand through what he displays correct, or it's just a blur image that must be proved in the later days?

Before we get the question to be treated, let's consider the foremost probable (not absolutely) results of the cases mentioned within the first paragraph:

The guy who has just experienced the above-said romance has got to say goodbye to his newly-met girlfriend because afterward he finds out that she isn't nearly as good as she looks; the friend of yours who has just won your hard-to-be-pleased mother's trust is criticized by your mother due to his great incoherency in his manners, and even the newly-employed employee is dismissed because he's not telling the reality in his resume. Till now, do you still think the first impressions are dependable?

 Psychologically, we've a really perfect image of an individual in our head, of course, which varies from one to a different due to individuals' specific experiences, education and family background, and his or her own opinion. When an individual who we meet confirms with the image in our head, we will, to an excellent extent, overestimate or maybe exaggerate his merits, while omit his shortcomings, maybe due to human nature and psychological reasons.

Thus we will ourselves cause the solution to the question above that the primary impressions of an individual are generally incorrect. In a word, to guage an individual needs time and therefore the first-sight impression is unreliable.