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Saturday, January 18, 2020

School Life

                   *** School Life ***

               School life is best period of human life. People are learning from his childhood within the school and also school built the character of man. It is the formative period for everyone. Every student should attempt to make his better life and best use of faculty life because it never comes again after the varsity session.

             Firstly, every student should learn great knowledge from the varsity life. They have great discipline and punctuality about the varsity life. They must do this all work on the proper moment. He must remember that if a student becomes successful in his student career and his character is made on a sound basic, he are going to be ready to shine in any sphere of life and serve his society and countries.

                The joys of school life are numerous. School is a place of youth. Even the old feel happy and smart within the company of young students. It is a carefree life. The student is not worried about the worldly affairs. The students demands are easily met by his parents. He is concerned only together with his lessons and games. He has time enough to play and make his health. He remains cheerful most of the time. Some of his friends are naughty. They cut jokes with their class fellows. But there are some industries boys too. They work hard to surpass others. ue to the varsity life is but a preparation to face the challenges that the larger school called world will offer us once we are out of our schools. The schools therefore extra great influence upon us. They shape our character, mold our mental attitudes and fashion the essential principles of life.

              Most of the people that have spent in class are the happiest and happy days of our life. There are numerous memories of faculty life which we remind whenever . School days fills our mind happily and nostalgic memories of happy days of yester years.

               Some of the scholars tend to avoid doing home assignments and never attempt to dive into the diligence . The only period they take seriously is that the examination set. When the announcement of the exams comes, the student feels like he got electric shock. No more bullying the small kids, no more making fools of the poor teachers time to read and revise!

               School life is best life and it had been great opportunity of our life which we had earned easily. After the varsity life we are missing numerous memories in our mind. School life was very joyful and happiness life for us. There was tons of fun and education which acquire good principles of life.


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